Lee Center church, Amboy Lions Club host chili luncheon

By Brandon LaChance, Editor
Posted 12/30/24

MENDOTA – Deep in the cooridors of the Lee Center United Church of Christ in a folder, a file, a notebook, or a card catalog (never to be disclosed which) is a secret chili recipe.

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Lee Center church, Amboy Lions Club host chili luncheon


MENDOTA – Deep in the cooridors of the Lee Center United Church of Christ in a folder, a file, a notebook, or a card catalog (never to be disclosed which) is a secret chili recipe.

Once a year, the recipe is brought out for the annual chili luncheon.

“We do whip out a lot of chili. It’s a special recipe that is tucked away in the files at the church and is not to be shared,” said Lee Center UCC member Sandy Wittenauer. “No one talks about the recipe but the chili is consistent year after year.”

This year the church and the Amboy Lions Club are hosting the chili luncheon from 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 12 at the Amboy Community Building.

The two parties first connected in 2022, but this will be the 47th chili luncheon for the Lee Center church.

“Four years ago, we joined the Lee Center United Church of Christ with the Amboy Lions Club,” Wittenauer said. “Our facility wasn’t ideal and we needed more volunteers. The Amboy Lions Club was ready, willing, and able to join us and hold the chili luncheon at the Amboy Community Building.

“We can serve more people there and it’s accessible with parking, restrooms, and comfort.”

Through the years, the luncheon has averaged 131 meals served with a high year of 145 and a low year of 120.

Since the church and the club are no longer charging for the chili, a free will donation is accepted. Profits are split between the two parties.

“With the help of the luncheon, we were able to paint the church’s annex last year,” Wittenauer said. “This year, we are putting our funds toward painting the church. We’re trying to keep the Lee Center United Church of Christ standing and the doors open. We want to make it appealing to everyone.”

The Amboy Lions Club is always raising money for community projects and is currently working on an accessible park for special needs residents. Last year the luncheon fundraiser helped fund the disc golf course now at Amboy City Park.

Also to help raise money, is a basket raffle. Tickets are six for $5 or $1 each. The variety of baskets are donated to the raffle with many different items.

Wittenauer added ground beef donations from church members and Lions Club members helps make the luncheon possible every year.