Christmas never gets old

By Brandon LaChance, Editor
Posted 12/30/24

Most of us are on routines or set schedules.

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Christmas never gets old


Most of us are on routines or set schedules.

We know what’s going to happen during every day of the week or a perceived notation, barring any major miracles or setbacks.

After a while, the routine can get boring, old, and make you seem stuck in a rut – the same ole, same ole.

It’s always great for morale to have a change, the rope vine to pull us out of the pit, the endless amount of positivity and enthusiasm.

I call it THE change or Christmas.

How can you be tired, bored, sad, disappointed, or alone during Christmas and the holidays? If there is any real unseen or human made-thought-emotional power, it’s the Christmas spirit and how it turns us all around to reshape the blah.

First, you’re giddy while you’re putting up the lights, the decorations, and the Christmas tree. Ever since I was tall enough to reach the top of the tree, I was given the top-priority mission of putting the star or angel on the top of the tree.

To this day, I get nostalgic and extremely happy when I’m putting my Southern Illinois University Saluki football helmet on the top of my tree.

Then the spirit rises from there.

Radio stations playing Christmas music 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Every single channel on cable playing Christmas movies marathons and every streaming service offering groupings of their selected favorites for you to watch. Believe it or not, after a few years of complaining about the amount and length of holiday tunes, I have come to love it and have Christmas music on as I type this.

It doesn’t matter how old I am or how many new Christmas movies come out, my top three will never change: 1. Home Alone (the first, there shouldn’t have been any sequels), 2. Die Hard (yes, it is a Christmas movie), 3. Elf (the only Will Farrell movie I truly love and the favorite of one of my guardian angels).

Last Christmas, I viewed It’s a Wonderful Life (released in 1946) for the first time.

Although it was a great movie and I understand why it’s the No. 1 choice for millions of movie snobs, I can’t let go of my top three.

One December, I sent out 55 Christmas cards, which will forever be my record as the U.S. Postal Service continues to rise its stamp fees where you have to sell your car, arm, and a kidney to mail anything more than a single envelope.

It was a ton of fun making the cards.

And when I received cards from others, man, it was a great feeling to know you’re loved enough for someone to spend the time to write a card, an envelope, and to spend the shipping cost.

If I remember right, I received 17 cards that year, which will also be an unbeatable record.

Everywhere you go, there are cookies, fudge, or some kind of treat. And let’s not forget about the hot chocolate or coffee, whichever you prefer.

It doesn’t matter if you walk into a bank, a residence of a family member or friend, a car dealership, a gas station, someone is trying to fatten you up with the buttery, sugary, awesomeness of Christmas treats.

Shopping will never be my favorite thing in life. Absolutely not.

However, this is the only time of the year where I don’t put on my headphones and go directly to what I need and then exit as fast as possible. Looking at items and imagining the reactions on the faces of the loved ones who are going to receive the gifts I purchase, is a really cool experience I never realized was a cool experience.

I know Christmas can be a little much if you have little kids because of their want for stuff and you’re want to make them happy. Plus, there are the family gatherings, which are fun, but can be a lot to clean up and time consuming.

Relax, enjoy, and remember this is the only time of the year where it is 100 percent acceptable to listen to music all day long, especially at work, spend countless hours binging movies that make you cry in delight and make you want to meet Santa Claus whether you believe in him or not, and eat as many Christmas treats you want whether you’re dieting or not. And the No. 1 thing, is you get to be around your loved ones to an almost ridiculous amount of time.


Because you’re routine, your schedule, the blah, the depressing, the grind of life doesn’t matter.

It’s holiday season, and the only thing that matters is Christmas and being with those you love.

Merry Christmas!