Amboy FFA tops Agronomy Career Development

Fifth in Dairy Foods Career Development

By Brandon LaChance, Editor
Posted 12/3/24

AMBOY – During an Agronomy Career Development Event on Wednesday, Nov. 13, the Amboy High School FFA won in a field of 12 competing schools and seven members finished in the Top 10 as individuals.

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Amboy FFA tops Agronomy Career Development

Fifth in Dairy Foods Career Development


AMBOYDuring an Agronomy Career Development Event on Wednesday, Nov. 13, the Amboy High School FFA won in a field of 12 competing schools and seven members finished in the Top 10 as individuals.

Abel Valdez was second, Westin Wittenauer third, Tyler Mahar fourth, Landon Carter fifth, Henry Klein sixth, Anna Carlson ninth, Aiden Spinelli 10th.

Tyler Huggins, Kenley Wilson, Grace Royer, Alainie Wittenauer, Maddie Althaus, Lili Leffelman, Grady McLaughlin, Chuck Wilson, Koton Greus, Brian Clements, and Jason Dickinson also participated in agronomy for the Amboy FFA.

The CDE challenges students to build and demonstrate knowledge in the wide field of agronomy. During the event FFA members must identify crops by plant or seeds, identify weeds by plant or seeds, identify agronomy equipment, complete a soils practicum/test, and judge two different grain rings, which featured corn and soybean samples this year.

The Amboy FFA was also successful in the Dairy Foods Career Development Event as the team of Kaitlyn Dempsey, Gavin Nichols, Jarrett Althaus, and Brysen Full placed fifth out of the 14 competing FFA chapters.

As an individual, Full finished 11th.

Participants in the dairy foods event will focus on areas of milk quality and consumer demand. The event components include identifying conditions that affect fluid milk off-flavors and determining the cause of the problem, identifying and scoring milk samples using the California Mastitis Test, identifying dairy and non-dairy products, participating in a team problem that will solve a selected situation relating to sanitation, marketing, distribution, other issues in the dairy health area, competing a written examination on milk production, quality, milk marketing, and identifying cheeses.